Requesting A Blessing

A blessing is an invocation of good fortune and/or well being upon a place, an activity, an object/s or people.
The Sisters are more than happy to assist in performing these acts, and to work with the Gathered Faithful (the person/s requesting the blessing) to create the most appropriate form of ritual that is both desired and required.

Please take a moment to go through the following questions and answer as well as you can.
Don't get upset if you cannot answer something – this is not a test and you will not be punished!
We will also be able to fill in a lot of detail later during discussions with you.

Please allow as much forward notice as possible to allow the Sisters to discuss your request and prepare.
A Sister will contact you to confirm the receipt of your request and to arrange discussion.

Simply submit your request to SrInfo using the form below OR If you prefer, Click Here to use a document format.
Remember! You are permitted to have fun with this as well!

In this section, don't use your 'Return' or 'Enter' key at the end of lines! - Just let your thoughts flow!
Use the Tab key when you're ready to move to the next question.

Clicking Submit will open your default email program for you to peruse before sending!